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The beach is the main place for leisure activities in the summer season. During its construction, it is necessary to take into account many nuances:


the quality indicator of water must be within the requirements of the SanPiN.

The shoreline should be without deep depressions (with a gradual increase in depth).

The building material for filling the beach area should be without pointed ends (sand cover or rolled pebbles).

Necessary protection from the effects of currents, wind and waves from passing shipping vehicles.

The surrounding area must have an accessible entrance for transport and passage of people.

Protecting the beach area from all kinds of washouts and natural influences is the most difficult engineering task, which is solved without any problems by creating sheet pile retaining walls.




Implementation of WORKS




Beach areas on rivers are destroyed as a result of changes in the water level (precipitation). Beaches on lakes and seas are regularly exposed to wind waves (especially during storms).


Hydraulic structures built with sheet piling curtains will be a highly effective barrier against all negative influences.


On lake and sea beaches, the use of breakwaters is very important. Like the piers, they are made of high-strength reinforced concrete with the use of PVC sheet piles. A pair of sheet pile walls filled with rubble material makes it possible to build inexpensive breakwaters in a short period of time.


Owners of private households with access to the reservoir are offered high-strength lightweight PVC sheet piles SP 200 at an affordable price. With their help, it is very easy to build protective structures for a compact personal beach.

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